
Monday, February 18, 2013


The geographical term antipode means two points on Earth that are connected by a line that goes through the center of the Earth. Thus, if you would take a gigantic pin and stick it into the Earth and through the center, where it comes out on the other side is the antipode to where it went in. As children we were all told that if we dug a hole deep enough we would come up in China. That, it turns out, is just another fable children are told. A hole from any point on the continental United States would come up in the Indian Ocean. The only place in the U.S. that has an antipode on dry land is Hawaii. If you would dig that hole on the Big Island, you would come up in the Okavango Delta of Botswana. And since I was in the Okavango in 2009, it would serve my quest of traveling to all ends of the Earth if I were to go to Hawaii, thus we are booking the trip tomorrow. Hawaii, here we come! Stay tuned!